

Crickhollow is the home of Rosemary Crick and Ken Bryson. Crickhollow is located in beautiful Grey County, Ontario, close to the village of Neustadt. Crickhollow is also known as a biodynamic farm, event venue, and now a place of energy healing.

Since 2007, we have run many enterprises through our property - family cows, ducks, goats, and a one acre market garden, selling biodynamic vegetables locally. Rosemary is currently offering Reiki as part of our healing center. Ken works from home as part of the creative industry. Our children have grown up and moved on to their own lives in North Vancouver, and Toronto respectively.


About Rosemary

Until 2021 I grew a market garden here at Crickhollow and until 2019 I helped run the Eat Well Market in Hanover Ontario. I garden Biodynamically with a particular interest in the life force energy of plants. To understand this energy further I studied reiki. I grew to love offering reiki to clients!

Reiki (also known as guided napping!) is all about relaxation. I have started incorporating music into my reiki practice. Cello, drum, koshi bells and overtone singing deepens the relaxing experience.

I offer reiki here on the farm. Sessions end with a cup of tea made with herbs grown here and an invitation to take a grounding walk through the pines.

I look forward to meeting you too! Feel free to send me a message or introduce yourself.

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About Crickhollow.

Crickhollow is the home of Rosemary Crick and Ken Bryson. Crickhollow is located in beautiful Grey County, Ontario, close to the village of Neustadt. Crickhollow is also known as a biodynamic farm, event venue, and now a place of energy healing.